Elevate your practice with exciplex®, a monochromatic excimer light device for autoimmune skin diseases

Exciplex®, an innovative handheld device, that revolutionizes the treatment of autoimmune skin conditions. It uses Monochromatic Excimer Light (MEL) technology to treat a variety of skin conditions including but not limited to Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Alopecia Areata, Mycosis Fungoides, and Atopic Dermatitis.


Multi-Functional Use of Exciplex

Exciplex® is a multifunctional device that utilizes the power of MEL at an effective wavelength of 308nm, making it ideal for the treatment of chronic autoimmune skin diseases. The 308nm wavelength is recognized by dermatologists worldwide as the most effective for treating such conditions. Additionally, it has been proven very effective in treating hypopigmentation due to laser cases as well as other indications.

Lightweight and Portable Device

Exciplex can boast a very powerful performance in a very easy to use device, as it is lightweight (less than 1 kg), portable, and easy to use. It’s perfect for both established clinics as well as new practitioners. The ergonomic design, comfortable handle, and minimal weight of only 950g make it comfortable to use.

High Power and Fast Treatments

Exciplexhas  a fluence of 100mW/cm² and a total power of 2500mW, which results in faster and more efficient treatments. This power density makes it one of the fastest devices in its category.

Intuitive Touchscreen Interface

The device is equipped with a color touchscreen interface that is simple and intuitive. Only one parameter is required for setting the dose, making it user-friendly and easy to operate.

No Consumables

Exciplex stands out as it requires no consumables, reducing the ongoing costs of operation. The Xenon-Chloride (XeCl) lamp, which is the source of the MEL, comes with a warranty of 3 years with unlimited usage.

Specifications of Exciplex

  • Gaz Source: Xenon-Chloride (XeCl)
  • Wavelength: 308nm
  • Light Range: Monochromatic UVB
  • Power Density: 100mW/cm²
  • Spot Size: Up to 25cm² with 6 reduction tips
  • Total Optical Power: 2500mW
  • Weight: 950g
  • Dimensions: 27cm x 8cm x 15cm
  • Cooling: Pulsed Air
  • Electrical Characteristics: 100-240V / 50-60Hz / 180VA
  • Source: Xenon-Chloride (XeCl) lamp
  • Heating Time: 0s

Tangible Results

Exciplex has yielded some impressive results in the treatment of autoimmune skin conditions. These results showcase the potential of Exciplex as a leading treatment for these conditions, as showcased in this video.